A Conversation with Eliza about Carol Bartz and DeliciousΒΆ

[Eliza is the built in pschotherapist in Emacs, my editor of choice. I thought I’d see what Eliza thought about the delicious situation.]

I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you are finished talking, type RET twice.

I think Carol Bartz hates delicious

Why do you say bartz hates delicious?

She plans to kill it

This is not a healthy way of thinking.

It certainly isn’t

What makes you believe it certainly is not?

Well, delicious is wonderful.

Earlier you said bartz hates delicious?

She laid off all its staff, apparently

Maybe your plans have something to do with this.

I don’t think so.

Is it because of your life that you say you do not think so?

I don’t think Carol Bartz knows my plans.

You mentioned that bartz hates delicious?

Yes. And apparently she doesn’t have a flickr account either.

Is it because of the people you hang around with that you are going through all this?


Why not?

delicious is an online service

Are you sure that delicious is an online service?


I see... Well, do you really think this is so?

That it’s an online service, or that Carol Bartz doesn’t get the internet and plans to kill delicious?

Is it because it’s an online service or that carol bartz does not get the internet and plans to kill delicious that you came to me?

Because Carol Bartz doesn’t get the internet and plans to kill delicious

Does it bother you that carol bartz does not get the internet and plans to kill delicious?


Yes, hmmm... so, what makes you think this is so?

Yahoo bought two of the most important properties on the internet and Carol doesn’t understand them.

Why do you say bartz hates delicious?

She sacked all the staff and plans to get rid of it

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